Associate Professor Dr Goh is a plant molecular biologist who obtained his PhD from the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom in 2011 before starting his first academic position at the Institute of Systems Biology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Upon joining INBIOSIS, he pioneered the Plant Functional Genomics Research Group focusing on the molecular exploration of tropical plants and crop improvement using functional genomics approaches. Some of the tropical plant species include kesum, ketum, Rafflesia, and Nepenthes pitcher plants, as well as important crops, such as mangosteen, papaya, rice, tomato, and oil palm. Fundamental understandings of the molecular aspects are crucial for their bioprospecting, industrial application, and crop improvement. Hence, the group applied multi-omics approaches, encompassing transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics aided by bioinformatics analysis for a holistic understanding of biological systems. Such an integrated approach is exemplified by his studies on Nepenthes pitcher plants to uncover the effects of plant hybridisation on the molecular expression in the pitcher tissues and fluids of three local Nepenthes species. Transcriptomics analysis with sequencing was applied to describe the molecular events during Garcinia-type seed germination in mangosteen that forms a new plantlet in the absence of an embryo. His group has published over 80 indexed articles in reputable journals and seven books with a Google Scholar h-index of 19, i10-index of 39 and 1,179 citations. He also actively contributing op-eds as a columnist for New Straits Times. Dr Goh’s expertise in functional genomics has been recognised as a regular invited speaker at international conferences and participating in national roundtable discussions. He also conducted various seminars and workshops on qPCR, transcriptomics, and proteomics. A total of 11 PhD and 17 MSc students have graduated from his group. He was a fully sponsored visiting researcher at the National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Japan in 2018. Dr Goh has been actively involved in institutional management. From June 2014, he was the Head of Centre for Plant Biotechnology who contributed to the commissioning of the first PC2-certified greenhouse at UKM before becoming the Head of Centre for Bioinformatics Research (2016-2019) when he established the Centre of Omics Data Analysis (CODA) as a one-stop service provider for omics analysis. He was then appointed as the Lab Manager until Sep 2020 and initiated an online consolidated lab management system and laboratory one-stop information corner (OiC) with all the lab officers. He was the Head of Quality Assurance who oversees the quality management and currently the Deputy Director who chairs the postgraduate management committee at INBIOSIS.